Friday, April 17, 2015

National Library Week 2015

Ok, so I'm a little late for this as it ends tomorrow, but I figured I would post a little something. We've been celebrating it at the public library I work at this week for basically two reasons. First, it's a library celebration, so why not? Especially if it celebrates both libraries and reading, two very important things in everyone's daily life. Secondly because the system is trying to win the National Medal (we are one of 30 finalists) and I think we're trying to be as fun and community-related as possible, plus it's another way to highlight all the cool things that this system does. This coincidentally also goes with this year's theme, "Unlimited possibilities @ your library". For example, the Media Relations people asked the staff to take pictures with a sign that said "My name is (blank) and I (blank), and called it "Library Confessions". There are some pretty cute ones here

So I just wanted to share some things I thought were cool that relate to libraries and reading. The first are a couple of the ALA's (American Library Association) Read posters. They always get actors and actresses to do them. As I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) again lately, I thought I would include this poster with Orlando Bloom (plus he's holding a copy of a JRR Tolkein book, one can only assume it is LOTR. 

I wanted to include this one because A. I thought it was cool and partially in Arabic, and because it was a woman representing Dubai Women's College. 

The next two I just wanted to add because I'm a children's librarian and I think they are not only informative but also very true. Plus the first one is especially important to me because I've actually heard some parents say they don't want to read to their children because they "won't be able to understand the words". 

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